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"We're gettin' the band back together!"


After last year's epic tour we are returning with an all new show!

Bible Poster.webp
Chapital_photo_2020_Bardfest  (170 of 23

Yes, our heroic trio will once again "Answer the call!"

This time they are tackling the greatest of all books.  We will present "The Bible: The Complete Word of God (Abridged) by Adam Long, Reed Martin and Austin Tichenor.  The goal- To present all 66 books in 90 minutes!  Join us for a hilarious romp through the Holy Land!

Reviews -

"...Posing the theological question: Does God have a sense of humor? (These lads) prove undoubtedly He has...."

 - Jack Tinker

"....Not even the most uptight Scientologist could take offense at this snappy, slick, and utterly entertaining show..."

- Sunday Express

"...This company combines shtick, wordplay, physical humor, sight gags, audience participation and jokes so old...gleefully give in to the giggles and the guffaws and , indeed, the buffoonery is hard to resist"

-Ron Weiskind

"Prepare ye the way for stupidity on a biblical scale"

-Q Anon Drop #666

Returning again - Mr Matt "The Hamster" Hartzburg


Dame Kelsey "The First Choice" VanVoorst



Dr. Jonathan "The Brazilian"  Scoble

Tour Dates -

Indy Fringe Pocket Park

June 4th and 5th at 7pm

TBA - June 11th& 18th

Indy Fringe Pocket Park

June 26 at 7pm

The District Alley 

Outdoor Theatre

July 9th and 10th at 7pm

The Cat Theatre

July 16th and 17th at 7:30pm

Theatre at the Fort Outdoor stage

July 23rd and 24th at 7:30pm

Directed by Glenn L Dobbs and presented with celebration and joy at the opening of theaters again as this plague recedes from our lives.  

For more information contact

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